Learning programs
Children aged 4 to 6
Learning is planned around a set of activities, each covering one core learning area. Children rotate around the activities so that they are exposed to each of the areas of the learning programme every day. The mornings are generally centered around the development of language and mathematical abilities.
Language is key to developing the child’s independence, self-confidence, social skills and thinking. To develop language, we use auditory stimulation including music, storytelling, songs, drama and various listening activities and games. The initial stages of our language development programme focuses on speaking and listening using both languages. As children develop their skills, pre-literacy activities are introduced and then reading and writing. We begin with games and exposure to books and then children are encouraged to draw in response to set language stimulus, develop letter patterns through tactile material and activities and then letter formation exercises and then more structured reading and writing.
Mathematical skills are developed through sensory material, games, play activities that reflect real life such as imaginary play involving shops and sand and water play that involves measuring. Children are introduced to numbers, quantities, symbols and then number operations using Montessori equipment, sensory materials, paper but mental maths. These activities develop the intellect, set a foundation for scientific investigation and are fun.
Wisdom Tree Education is close to parks, the library, Lake Geneva, beaches and nature reserves. Our afternoons are based around exploring and learning in the wider area. Typical activities might include walks in the park, swimming, pottery classes, turtle discovery, visits to the archaeolab and local bee hives and farms.
Children aged over 6
Just as with the younger group, activities are planned to cover language and mathematics with children rotating through the cycle of activities. At this stage, bilingual education becomes more focused encouraging language acquisition according to the bilingual needs of the learners and the introduction of scientific language based around practical experiences.
As with the younger children, we take advantage of our surroundings including local parks, nature reserves and Lake Geneva. The scientific knowledge and knowledge of the environment and local history gained in the morning is further enhanced by work in the local area. We continue with our emphasis on physical activities as well as martial arts chosen specifically to develop agility and confidence