Wisdom Tree education

A home school where children, parents and teaching staff speak French and English:
the guarantee of total immersion in a bilingual world.


Children aged 4 to 6


Mornings are devoted to work cycles. Based on the Montessori pedagogical method, they help develop the child's ability to cultivate autonomy, creativity and an innate desire to learn.

At Wisdom Tree Education, the development of language, writing, reading and mathematical skills is paramount to a child's development.

Language is a preparation for the child's independence, self-confidence, adaptability and sense of belonging to a group. First and foremost, the accompanying adult must express him/herself to the child in the richest manner to enable the child to absorb refined and nuanced language skills. The child is also exposed to music, bells, sounds, sound boxes, storytelling, books, the oral register and songs. 

Learning to write begins with practical exercises and movements to prepare the child's hand for writing. Reading is taught through sound-analysis games and exercises that gradually lead to improved reading skills.

The child'smathematical mind is nurtured through sensory material and practical life exercises that respond to the child's need for accuracy and perfection. In this way, they develop their intelligence and are introduced to numbers, quantities, symbols, operations and more. The ultimate aim is to dematerialize and create mental imagery to achieve mental arithmetic.


Our range of activities keeps the educational adventure moving. Children have the opportunity to explore their passions and broaden their horizons through activities including walks in the park, swimming, pottery classes, turtle discovery, visits to the archaeolab and the local library, as well as karate lessons on the Wisdom Tree premises to improve children's agility and confidence.

Children aged 6+ years


Mornings are devoted to work cycles. In a separate area, children over 6 years old can develop their knowledge of mathematics and science. These 2 disciplines are taught in a participative way in English by parents and a qualified team. Linguistics is taught in French.


Wisdom Tree Education's premises are located close to parks, Lake Geneva, beaches and nature reserves, making it easy to get out and observe. After the learning sessions, afternoons are spent out in nature, observing the concepts studied and bringing back samples to continue the study in the laboratory. This environment is also conducive to children's development, bringing movement, nature and encounters with both the surrounding environment and the local population.

This learning method for a group of 2 to 6 children enables parents and professionals to focus on the child's development and provide the most appropriate education possible, enabling him or her to achieve excellence in these subjects.


Parents at Wisdom Tree Education


Involving parents in their child's education is essential, as it creates a process of cooperation. At Wisdom Tree, parents are responsible for their child(ren). Supervised by the pedagogical team, they can learn learning techniques to pass on their knowledge in the best possible way to their child(ren).

Friendly get-togethers (coffee, snacks, cooking classes, etc.) are organized for parents to get to know each other and exchange ideas. In addition, our pedagogical team can offer tutorials to give them the keys to supervising their child(ren) and helping them with their learning.

Parents can also suggest activities for their children to discover a subject close to their hearts. The teaching team is there to help them prepare a session explaining their work, a hobby, traditions from their country of origin, cultural topics, music, sport, etc.
Teachers will prepare teaching materials adapted to the children so that the session is educational and highly fruitful. All new activities help children to develop their horizons and open their minds.

Community life, a concept inherent to the Montessori method, forms the basis of the Wisdom Tree Education philosophy: life is sharing!